गुरुवार, 29 दिसंबर 2022

How To Get Good grades!!!


- Take 5-10 Minute Breaks

- Rewrite Notes After Class - Make Flash Cards

- Get Someone At Home To Quiz You

- Always Have A Snack / Drink When Studying

- Video Game Music Can Help You Focas (that's what it's made to do!!!!)

- Write In A Blue Pen

- Get 2 Peoples Phone Numbers In The Class. (So if your absent or need help you can can ask them)

- Take Mock Tests (Helps memorize the questions and how to do them. Don't take the same ones over and over again.)


- Turn Off Phone - Ask For Help If Needed

- Be Positive, Don't Allow Yourself To Put Yourself Down, Instead Lift Yourself Up.

- Be Nice To Teachers!!!

- Be On Time To Class (When your late your missing valuable information)

- Get Enough Sleep (SLEEP IS IMPORTANT!!!)

- Take Good Note (You can also sell them after your done with them!)


- Focas (I recommend getting the app, Focas) - Do Extra Homework (I know it sucks but you'll

thank me later!)

- Take Care Of Yourself, Don't Neglect Your Personal Needs.

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